torsdag 20 september 2012

Almost forgot...

I almost forgot, you can now play the game without logging in to your Google account, so if you haven't tried it because you fear login screens, try it now!
There might be a problem with the login screen in the embedded version at though, because Google won't let me put their sites in an IFrame (x-frame options or something). If you, faithful reader (talking to myself?:), know how to fix such a problem, let us know! Anyway, if you still want to log in, but cant at PiteBros, then just play the game at as usual.

Undo and new website!

Hi, faithful readers! I don't think anyone is following this blog, since we haven't updated it in ages, but I'll update it anyways.. The reason for this update is that I've finally added undo functionality to the Filurk online demo, so it's actually playable now :)  The game experience is totally different (in a good way) when you can undo moves, so try it out!
You might notice that most of the old website has disappeared, with only the game demo itself remaining. This is because we have launched a new website for both Filurk and some of our other projects at, where we have embedded the Filurk demo as a widget. So go ahead and visit us there, the new site is AWESOME (at least it will be soon)!

torsdag 29 december 2011

Sorry. Again...

Whoops! I just noticed that our latest attempt to speed up the fetching of room data sped it up so much that it stopped working :) At least for new users... If you tried the game recently, your solutions were probably not stored correctly. It should work now though!

Oh, and the new, hideous logo is not supposed to be there, we will change it as soon as possible!

Happy new year!

tisdag 27 december 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

It's been a while since we wrote anything here, so I thought I'd make one last update before the new year! I found a little bug in the client that messed up the controls of the game. Since we haven't implemented an undo-function yet, it really made the game hard to play.. Sorry about that! Anyway, it's fixed now, and also we've deployed a servlet that generates maps for the game and one that stores custom levels for a future online level editor.

The maps API has a size parameter and can generate small, medium and large maps. Here's a small one, generated on demand:

torsdag 15 december 2011


Our project is now deployed on Google App Engine! Currently, only 30 levels are available on the server, but we have plenty more that we will add later. Also, don't hate us for the lack of undo functionality in the game, it's coming soon!

Anyway, go to and experience the awesomeness! :)

tisdag 6 december 2011


Our client-server communication is now made through HTTP- requests instead of remote procedure calls. When we run the program locally, everything works like it should; you can log in and watch your best results on each level. However, it doesn't work at all when we deploy the project to app engine. We haven't figured out what's wrong yet, but hopefully we'll have it working really soon.

måndag 28 november 2011


GWT, GAE, AJAX, JSON, CSS, SQL, RPC, XGJ, ADFFD, KOeLODD, AWEFFWQ... Neither of us have much experience programming for the web, so all these acronyms get confusing! A lot of new stuff to get familiar with... :)

However, the Filurk Site is coming along nicely. We have updated the layout with tabs and some nice CSS styling, added support for browser history and changed the server implementation a bit. Right now we're deciding which levels to include in the game and writing some server code to validate solutions and user created levels.